Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yet another ban request.

Neil Gaiman's Facebook page clued me into this article on a woman who wants Bone pulled from her kid's elementary school. I never read the series, but the concept of someone calling for censorship because (fake gasp) someone had a beer or a dragon smoked a cigarette kind of pisses me off.

Why can't the ghosts of Puritans stop possessing people and stay dead?

Bone is bad??

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Me want!

Of course, I had to forbid myself from spending any more time (and money) at Barnes & Noble until the semester was over.

1920's New York? Gangsters? Steampunk superhero! That's my kind of story!

At least the first six chapters are online! :-)

Ghosts of Manhattan

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Quick heads up: I won't be able to make it to our fabulous chatfest tomorrow ;_; but I did do a little reading -- namely some Mademoiselle Butterfly. Didn't get to read much (attention span of a goldfish, anyone?) but I did like the bit I got through.

Here is OneManga's list of historical (or pseudo-historical) manga.

Have fun tomorrow!

Friday, April 2, 2010


Would the Spaghetti Bros series count for our historical manga topic? It's set in 1910; 100 years old counts right?

Not the plumber bros. :-P