Thursday, October 7, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010

U. of Tokyo up to awesomeness

The University of Tokyo managed to make a scanner capable of scanning 200 pages a minute. As awesome as that is, why did they do that?

They plan to make a digital library of manga.

Since this was reported by IEEE and PopSci, the author was all agog over the scanner and didn't investigate any more plans for the digital library. We must try to keep an eye out for more news on this project.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Comic to life.

In case you guys missed it, the American comic series 'Walking Dead' is going to be turned into a live-action series on AMC. I actually really like the series despite the gruesome violence and the tendency for main characters to die. In addition, the latest compilation book got to the point where an explanation for the zombies has been discovered and a race to the scientists who can stop the horror has begun! Hurray!

Here come the hungry dead!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Ode to Classic Comics

Life had a an ode to old school comics so I thought you guys might want to see the pictures.

Er... am I the only one posting on this thing instead of doing homework? :-P

Wonder Woman! The the Invisible Jet!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Yet another ban request.

Neil Gaiman's Facebook page clued me into this article on a woman who wants Bone pulled from her kid's elementary school. I never read the series, but the concept of someone calling for censorship because (fake gasp) someone had a beer or a dragon smoked a cigarette kind of pisses me off.

Why can't the ghosts of Puritans stop possessing people and stay dead?

Bone is bad??

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Me want!

Of course, I had to forbid myself from spending any more time (and money) at Barnes & Noble until the semester was over.

1920's New York? Gangsters? Steampunk superhero! That's my kind of story!

At least the first six chapters are online! :-)

Ghosts of Manhattan

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Quick heads up: I won't be able to make it to our fabulous chatfest tomorrow ;_; but I did do a little reading -- namely some Mademoiselle Butterfly. Didn't get to read much (attention span of a goldfish, anyone?) but I did like the bit I got through.

Here is OneManga's list of historical (or pseudo-historical) manga.

Have fun tomorrow!